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Underage DWI Charges in Houston: Things to Know

Updated: Aug 25, 2024 @ 12:22 pm

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Underage DWI is a serious offense with far-reaching consequences. If you find yourself in this situation, understanding the laws, penalties, and necessary steps to take is crucial for your case.

If you’re facing criminal charges for DWI in Houston or are seeking help for a loved one, contact Houston DWI Lawyer Tad A. Nelson today at 281-502-2122 today.

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Understanding Texas DWI Laws for Minors

In Texas, the law is strict when it comes to underage drinking and driving. Unlike adults, who are considered legally intoxicated with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08% or higher, minors (under 21) face a “zero tolerance” policy. This means any detectable amount of alcohol in their system (0.02% BAC or more) can result in a DWI charge. This strict rule aims to discourage underage drinking and promote road safety.

Consequences of an Underage DWI Conviction

Facing an underage DWI charge can lead to severe legal consequences. A conviction can result in substantial fines, which may range from $500 to $2,000 or more. Additionally, the court may impose jail time, typically up to 180 days, especially for repeat offenders. License suspension is mandatory for all underage DWI convictions, with the length of the suspension increasing for subsequent offenses.

As part of the sentence, the court may order probation, which often includes conditions such as community service and participation in alcohol education programs. It’s essential to remember that these are potential penalties, and the specific consequences for each case can vary based on individual circumstances.

A DWI conviction can have long-term impacts, affecting your educational opportunities, and job prospects. A DWI on your record can make it challenging to secure college admissions, scholarships, or employment, particularly in fields requiring a clean driving record.

Steps to Take After Being Charged

If you are charged with underage DWI, taking swift and appropriate actions can significantly influence the outcome of your case. Here are some crucial steps to follow:

  • Immediate Actions: After being charged, remain calm and polite. Do not admit guilt or try to explain your situation to the police. Request to speak with a Houston DWI lawyer as soon as possible.
  • Hiring Houston DWI Lawyer: An experienced Houston DWI attorney can help you navigate the legal system, protect your rights, and develop a strong defense strategy. When choosing a Houston drunk driving attorney, look for someone with a proven track record in handling DWI cases, particularly those involving minors.
  • Preparing for Court: Gather all relevant evidence, including witness statements, police reports, etc., and an experienced Houston DWI lawyer will guide you through this process.

Arrested for a Felony or Misdemeanor Offense?

Call Houston DWI Lawyer Tad A. Nelson Today!

Facing an underage DWI charge in Houston will be easier if you understand the laws, and consequences, and know what steps to take. Immediate actions, such as hiring a competent Houston drunk driving attorney, will have a huge impact on these charges.

If you or someone you know is dealing with an underage DWI, contact us today. Our practice areas include coping with underage DUI/DWI charges. We will provide you with personalized and effective legal representation. Call us today at 281-502-2122 and arrange a consultation.

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