Texas DWI Enhancements
Houston DWI Lawyer Tad A. Nelson
405 Main St. #840, Houston, TX 77002 • 281-502-2122
When person is arrested for a DWI offense in Houston, and the details of the incident meet the criteria for enhancements, the severity of the penalties they’ll face for the drunk driving offense will increase in severity.
In Texas, a defendant may qualify to have a DWI case enhanced any event that any of the following factors are true;
- a first-time offender may face enhancements if their blood alcohol content level is found to be over .15,
- if someone was injured due to intoxication assault, and severe cranial or brain damage results,
- if a public servant was injured as a result of an accident caused due to DWI,
- a person with multiple DWI convictions in any state,
- a person driving with open containers of alcoholic beverages, and/or DUI – drugs.
If enhancements are to be avoided after your arrest for DWI, it will be based on a number of factors which include the police report, the police officers and their statements, the length of time between any previous DWI cases you may have on your record, and of course, the tact and experience of your lawyer.
TOP Texas DWI Lawyers
We are one of the premier law firms in southeast Texas for representing individuals facing prosecution for DWI related criminal offenses.
Attorneys Tad Nelson and Amber Spurlock will work to minimize the severity of the penalties you face regardless of the type of criminal offense you were accused of committing by police in the Houston, TX.
As a Texas Board Certified® DWI lawyer, Tad Nelson knows his clients expect nothing less than stellar competence, legal representation, and tact when represented by him in court.
Attorney Tad A. Nelson has delivered on this expectation time and time again.
Texas DWI Enhancements
Below are two examples of why it’s important to ensure your representation is among the most highest qualified in DWI lawyers available in the Houston area.
The information below is representative of potential DWI penalty enhancements that one may experience in the event they are found guilty of a DWI offense in a Texas court of law.
BAC of 0.15 or Higher Enhancement
- First Time offender with BAC of 0.08 to 0.14:
- Class B misdemeanor, up to a $2,000 fine and 180 days in jail
- First Time offender with BAC of 0.15 or higher:
- Class A misdemeanor, up to a $4,000 fine and one year in jail
Intoxication Assault Enhancement
- DWI causing injury to any victim:
- Third Degree Felony, up to a $10,000 fine and two to 10 years in prison
- DWI causing serious or permanent brain injury:
- Second Degree Felony, up to a $10,00 fine and 20 years in prison
- (Causing injury to a police officer, firefighter or emergency worker is also punishable as a second-degree felony)
Attorney Tad A. Nelson; A Top DWI Defense Litigator
If you prefer to work with experienced DWI/DUI attorney in the Houston area, call attorney Tad A. Nelson as soon as possible at 281-502-2122. When you call our office, we’ll work with you to schedule an appointment that’s convenient for you, so we can talk about what happened during your arrest and review the details of your case.
Texas DWI Enhancements
Attorney Tad A. Nelson
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