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Tips to Avoid a DWI Arrest During Holiday Season

Updated: Jun 15, 2023 @ 12:52 pm

Reading Time: 3 Minutes

With the holidays just around the corner, the Houston Police Department will be on the lookout for drunk drivers.


Many people mix alcohol with family and meals—with predictably bad results. In addition to increasing the odds of an auto accident, you can get arrested, hit with criminal charges, and jailed for the crime of DWI.

If convicted, the penalties are harsh and will include the loss of your Texas Driver License and even possible time in jail.

At Tad Nelson & Associates, we’ve represented many people who wish they had avoided drinking during Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner.

Below, we highlighted some of the simple steps you can take to sidestep a Houston DWI arrest and enjoy a merry holiday season.

Tips to Avoid an Arrest for Drunk Driving

  1. Drink Only Non-Alcoholic Beverages

This is easily the best way to avoid a DWI. It sounds so simple. Unfortunately, many people either need a drink (just to get through dinner with family), or there are no non-alcoholic drinks being offered.

One thing you can do is bring your own eggnog or other drink—minus alcohol. Share it with friends and be sure to stay away from the hard stuff.

  1. Spend the Night

This is another convenient method which admittedly won’t work for everyone. But if you are traveling to visit family this holiday season, see if you can spend the night. That way you can sleep off any alcohol you’ve consumed before heading out in the morning to return home.

At a minimum, take a nap before leaving. A nap is beneficial anyway since eating too much food makes people drowsy, and fatigued driving is as risky as drunk driving.

  1. Host for the Holidays

This is another easy way to avoid driving. Invite family and friends over to your house. Doing so will prevent you from going out on the road in the first place.

  1. Don’t Drink on an Empty Stomach

Food helps slow the absorption of alcohol. You will feel the effects of alcohol more on an empty stomach. If you’re going to have a drink during the holidays, make sure it is with a meal.

  1. Have a Designated Driver

Designated driving isn’t only for college students going on a pub crawl. It is also an effective technique if you intend to drink. Have your spouse or partner drive you home. Needless to say, your designated driver shouldn’t have any alcoholic drinks.

Alternatively, you can take public transportation or get an Uber or Lyft to take you home. Anything is better than getting behind the wheel while drunk.

  1. Avoid Relying on Caffeine

Some people think a cup of strong coffee is sufficient to counteract the effects. Sadly, it isn’t. You’ll still be over the legal limit if you get picked up, which means you’ll face DWI charges.

  1. Use an App

Put the power of technology to use. There are countless apps people rely on to bolster their commitment to reduce drinking. Obviously, no app can take your car keys away from you. But they might help weaning you off alcohol in the run up to the holidays. Then you can enjoy an alcohol-free time with your loved ones and not miss drinking at all.

Accused of Drunk Driving in the Houston Area?

Contact Tad Nelson for Legal Help

If you’ve been arrested for DWI, you have legal options. Tad Nelson is an experienced Houston DWI lawyer who has defended many people charged with drunk driving offenses. If you would like to schedule a meeting to discuss your defense options, contact our law firm to at 281-502-2122.

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