Every DWI case begins with the police stop. Once you pull over, the police will then notice that you look or sound intoxicated, so they will probably ask you to take a field sobriety test. They can also ask for a breath sample to find out your blood alcohol concentration.
Police can’t pull you over for no reason or simply because they have a hunch you might be drunk. That’s patently unconstitutional and could lead to a judge tossing the Houston DWI charges out of court. Instead, police usually point to one of the following violations.
Drifting Over the Road
If you drift over the center line, then an officer who observes you will probably put on the lights and pull you over. Alcohol and some drugs make staying in one lane difficult, because they impair coordination or induce fatigue. They can also impair your vision, so you might not even know you’re weaving in and out of lanes.
Driving Too Fast
Officers are only too happy to pull over speeding motorists. Going too fast is not a tell-tale sign of intoxication, since many drivers who’ve had one too many to drink will try to drive carefully. But going too fast could be a sign that you are high. Many people on cocaine or similar drugs take risks, including speeding. Also, some motorists are so intoxicated they might not even know what speed they are traveling.
Excessive Braking
Hitting the brakes constantly is something drunk drivers do because they can’t control the speed of their vehicle. An officer riding behind you might turn on the lights if you are hitting the brakes for no reason while on the road.
Driving Too Slow

Going too slow is a huge red flag. Many motorists will try to avoid speeding or focus on staying in their lane, which means they slow way down. This is an obvious sign that a motorist is impaired, so an officer will probably pull you over.
Running a Red Light
This is a dangerous maneuver which will undoubtedly get an officer on your tail with the blue lights flashing. A person who refuses to yield is a risk to public safety, regardless of whether they are drunk.
Making a Wide Turn
Turns require coordination and good judgment. Both are probably lacking if someone has been drinking too much. Taking a turn too fast or making a wide turn are key signs that the driver is intoxicated. An officer will also see you as a risk of hitting a car.
Headlights Off at Night
Many cars now put the lights on at night automatically. But a drunk driver will possibly forget and will head down the road without their lights on.
Hitting a Parked Car
If a motorist slams into a parked car but tries to speed away, they could be intoxicated. They have also broken an important law requiring them to stop if they damage another person’s vehicle. Someone who is drunk might not have any idea what they were doing.
Stumbling Out of a Bar to Your Vehicle
If the officer saw you leaving a bar or tavern drunk, then they will likely pull you over—even if you are driving normally.
Accused of Drunk Driving In Houston?
Call Houston DWI Attorney Tad Nelson Today!
Tad Nelson is an experienced DWI attorney who will fight for a fair resolution to your case. If you need to talk with a criminal defense lawyer that specializes in DWI cases, call 281-502-2122 today.